Evaluate IT GRC framework

We ask You to fill out the questionnaire about the presented framework's completeness. Under each Process flow, You can leave comments/feedback.

1. Is the Audit management complete regarding Monitor process flow?

Process name Definitely include Maybe include Maybe exclude Definitely exclude
1) Performance measurement
„track and monitor strategy implementation, project completion, resource usage, process performance and service delivery, using, for example balanced scorecards that translate strategy into action to achieve goals measurable beyond conventional accounting” [Krey, 2010]

2. Is the Audit management complete regarding Evaluate process flow?

Process name Definitely include Maybe include Maybe exclude Definitely exclude
1) Re-assess risks
overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation [ISO 31000:2009]
2) Evaluate heatmaps
evaluating current status of the auditable subject according to reported heatmaps
3) Measure KPIs
(Key Performance Indicators) – measuring organization/IT/department performance using its agreed KPIs
4) Inspect internal controls
„systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled“ [ISO 19600:2014]

3. Is the Audit management complete regarding Report process flow?

Process name Definitely include Maybe include Maybe exclude Definitely exclude
1) Report findings
„The governing body, management and the compliance function should ensure that they are effectively informed on the performance of the organization’s compliance management system and of its continuing adequacy, including all relevant noncompliances, in a timely manner..“ [ISO 19600:2014]
2) Escalation where appropriate
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